Thursday, March 3, 2011


Sorry for any awful grammar, it is not my gift.

So often I am amazed at how excited and connected my girls are to this process despite the long journey. They still pray for their little brother or his parents every night. Our oldest Gabbie has surprised Jason and I on her spiritual wisdom at the young age of 6. Her and I had a chance to have some quiet time one afternoon due to the fact that she was being disciplined (lol). We began discussing some of the details of our adoption. She was inquiring when we would get her little brother, and who would go get him. She often says that she hopes he is our Christmas present next year. She even went as far as to tell one of her teachers that she would be fine if he was her only Christmas present. Not so sure she could stand by this one. After we talked for a while, she asked, "Why would God put a baby in a mommy's tummy just so she has to give it away? My brother's mom isn't a bad mom, she just maybe doesn't have enough money to take care of him or she is too sick."

My heart dropped. She really understands that while adoption is a celebration of a child finding his/her forever family, it also is an amazing picture of true sacrifice. I talked with her about how her brother's birth parents will love him so much that they will be willing to give him up so that he can have a better chance at life. I explained to her that God did indeed put the baby in the mommy's tummy, but because of sin in our world; things like disease, poverty, and family brokenness are present. I also explained that the good thing is that God can take a broken situation and turn it for His own good. Our "little man" will get the chance to grow up knowing not only that his parents loved him enough to sacrifice a life with him, but that Christ loved him enough to sacrifice a life so he could be WITH him for eternity.

Tonight I am praying for our "little man's" birth parents. Although I do not know them and may never meet them, we are eternally grateful.

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