Friday, September 24, 2010

Why Blog?

Life has become very busy with Gabbie starting school, Jason coaching at Calvin, and lots of church activities. I have found that my time to sit down and have time on the computer is few and far between. I was contemplating getting rid of both of the blogs that I attempt to keep updated. After thinking about it for a few days, I realized I need to get rid of the decorating blog, but keep our adoption blog. I decided to keep our adoption blog for two reasons. First I want everyone to have a place to check up on our process and pray for us. Second I remember when we were feeling fear about starting this process and reading other people's blogs brought such comfort and excitement to me. I continue to follow many adoption blogs. They have been an amazing tool for learning about the process, and preparing for the unknowns of international adoption. If our blog can be this for another family being called to adoption then I am for sure keeping it going. The crazy thing is that it already has been this for a couple families. I have gotten a few messages on my facebook page stating that they had read my blog and are just getting into the process. It is amazing as I have said before the benefits and blessings of technology. I can't even imagine going through this without my blogging friends. Some of them I have never met, while some I met at the AGCI picnic. So after this long explanation, I am planning on keeping our adoption/family blog, but will be eliminating the decorating blog. I am sorry to those who follow the blog and enjoy it, but family life and sanity are much more important.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Number and a Few Thoughts

This is our new number. I guess "one step at a time" needs to become our new life motto. It has been fun to follow a few other blogs who have moved into single digits on the waiting list.
Here are a few thoughts that run through my mind on a daily basis: (sorry they are a bit scattered)
- Should we pick a name now so we can call him by name already?
- I often try to picture what he will look like in my head.
- Will our two travel times be at times that work into our schedule? (silly I know)
- Has he been born?
- So many adoptive families homeschool. Is it bad that I will not?
- I am still amazed everyday at how God has provided finanacially for our family this year!
- Will there be any other major changes in our process?
- What will be his medical needs if any?

I am so thankful for all of the prayers that go out on behalf of our family. I still have fears that enter my head daily; but God's strength is amazing.