Sunday, May 23, 2010

Quick Update

I think I just finished the last bit of paperwork for our home study. The past few weeks have been spent taking 6 online courses that took about 2 hours each. We also finished our 173 page education workbook. As much as we hated writing out the answers to about 50-75 essay questions we felt we learned so much. I am looking forward to getting our home study approved and sent in. It will be one more thing to cross off the list. We just sent all of our checks from our fundraiser, and it feels amazing to know that we have a large chunk sitting there to cover upcoming costs. This gives us the chance to save up more for later. We continue to meet great people who have or are adopting. It is great to know that there is a large support system right here in Grand Rapids.

On another note:
My other three munchkins decided they wanted to jump into a 65 degree pool today. Maia obviously did not jump in but would have if I let her. It is going to be a busy summer by the pool with a 1 year old. They still talk often of their baby brother from Ethiopia. I heard Gabbie tell a friend of hers that she might marry her brother. She said she wasn't sure but that it might be who she marries. Alexa prayed for her baby brother tonight. I think of him often. What will he look like? Will he be healthy? Will he be a young infant or coming up into his toddler years? No matter the answers to these questions I know God will be faithful.

Thanks for checking in on us and supporting us.

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