Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Call

I promised I would blog about how "the call" happened. When we signed our contract in December of 2009, I had dreamed of this moment. I read other people's stories of how their call would go and hoped ours would be similar. I had set my ringer to ring differently when our agency called me. I did that so I would not jump every time the phone rang. I also wondered how I would answer the call. Would I be sobbing uncontrollably and not be able to say hello? Would I be in complete control of my emotions and answer calmly? Would I be jumping up and down and be so excited that my caseworker would not get a word in? To be honest it went exactly how I thought it would.

It was about 2:40 on April 5. I was sitting on the couch helping my girls with a few computer games they were trying. My phone rang. It was my normal ring that I have for all calls. As I picked up my phone to check who was calling my heart jumped into my chest. It was our agency! For some reason my caseworker called from a number I did not have saved. I immediately yelled to Gabbie and Alexa, "It's the call! It's the call!". I picked up the phone and calmly answered. My heart was pounding so hard I thought my caseworker could hear it. She asked how we were doing and I sort of calmly told her we are good if she was calling with a baby. She explained that yes indeed she was. At this point I began sobbing uncontrollably. There was about 8 seconds of no conversation due to the fact that I was crying. I attempted to talk, but was for sure not making sense. She told me I could call my husband and conference call him in. I told her he was golfing and would not be able to talk until he was finished. Before we hung up I made sure to ask how old he was. I did not want to know his name or anything else until Jason was with me.

After I hung up I ran into the family room to let the girls they had a baby brother!! They both began to cry with me. We hugged and cried for a while and then ran downstairs to tell Maia. There was no crying but she did say, "I am the the best big sister ever!!!" What a perfect day it was! He is beautiful! I think I look at his picture at least 20 times a day.

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